Edgar Villarreal Ph.D.

Dr. Villarreal holds a PhD in Psychology from Texas A&M University. After completing a postdoctoral fellowship in Trauma Treatment and Healthcare Delivery at Joint Base San Antonio- Brooke Army Medical Center (BAMC), he began his VA career at the Central Texas Veteran Health Care System where he served as the Program Manager for outpatient mental health. In 2019, he went on to serve as the Suicide Prevention Program Manager at VA Eastern Colorado Health Care System. Over the past several years, Dr. Villarreal has served on numerous positions with the Office of Mental Health and Suicide Prevention, including Suicide Prevention Clinical Director, Suicide Prevention Partnerships, and the Community Based Interventions for Suicide Prevention (CBI-SP) Program. Most recently he served as the Director for Education & Training at the Rocky Mountain MIRECC for Suicide Prevention where he supported the dissemination of Veteran suicide prevention research and initiatives. In his current position, he serves as the National Clinical Director for Suicide Prevention for the VA Healthcare System. Through his work Dr. Villarreal participates in many diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives including serving on the OMHSP Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Steering Committee (DEISC)  and Justice, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion  (JEDI) Consultation Program. In his spare time Dr. Villarreal also serves as the current Chair for the VA Section of the American Psychological Association (APA) Division-18 Psychologists in Public Service. In addition to his interests in suicide and high risk behavior, his clinical areas of focus include: trauma, adjustment disorders, depression, couples, vulnerability, and self-compasion. 

Price per session: $300 | 60 minutes